Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day in the Park

We went to Brooklyn to visit Mark's brother on Easter and got to visit the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, which is just a short walk from their apartment.


Beautiful gardens, but mainly I'm posting this picture to show that I'm wearing the shirt that MMI gave me for Christmas! When I exchanged it for the right size, I also changed the color. ;-)

I'm also thinking that we need more cherry trees around our property!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Field Mouse

Here is the Wee Forest Folk mouse that I won on FaceBook! I already have this one, but the one I have is on a green or a blue tractor (haven't seen it in so long, I don't remember).


Chance of snow tonight! But not much.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Good Sales Day!

The full workshop just checked out today and as people were settling up their tabs, a couple of them surprized me by buying some of my Crazy By Design things!

One of the women from El Salvador kept asking me about one of the quilts we hanging in the dining room and asking if it were for sale, but it is the one quilt on the walls that isn't mine! It is one that we bought from one of our instructors. So when she said "I want to take your quilt home," I thought she was kidding. But when I rang up her total she said, "does that include the quilt?!"

This is the one that she bought.


Then another woman bought one of my beaded ties and a knitted scarf!

We are between workshops today, so I'll get a few hours in my studio. I'm working on more ties with a guitar theme.

The next workshop checks in tomorrow, but it is not so big as this last one.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spiders and Snakes Ain't What It Takes

I must be crazy because I hardly have time to maintain the three blogs I already have, but I thought I needed another one for posting pictures that have nothing to do with the other three!

Like pictures of snakes!

This little guy was spotted over by the creek that runs through our inn property.